

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Boy loves his Mama...oh and a few 'isms' too

I hope everyone had a fantastic Valentine's Day. Ours was very low key because the boyfriend was working most of the weekend...but I did get a dozen roses...I may or may not have had to ask for them (romance is not the boyfriend's strong suit lol) and they sure are pretty!!! You see Valentines Day is a nice holiday...but I've spent it alone more years than I've spent it with my special someones...so it's never really been a big deal.

The boy noticed this morning that I didn't get a card OR chocolates for Valentines Day...so he made me his very own card. Here's what it said (spelling mistakes and all!) :

To mom happy holdday love you to the moon and back from your son

p.s. your the bast!

Isn't that adorable? By the way today is a stat holiday here in Manitoba so I have today off work...it's been marvelous lounging around and showering at ohhhhhhh...12:30 lol.

And I'll leave you now with a few 'isms' that I wanted to be sure to jot down...you see my boy says some words incorrectly (yes even at 8 years old) and there is just no correcting him cause he's adamant he's saying the words the right way lol. So here are a few off the top of my head...

Suitcase = Soupcase
Library= Liberry
Valentines = Valentimes

Too cute...I wonder if he'll still pronounce the words that way when he's 35 years old lol.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Almost Wordless Wednesday!

Have you missed me??? I hope to get back to regular blogging really soon!

In the meantime I leave you with this pic that I took last week at Family Read night at the boy's school...where Spiderman made an appearance...the kids were star struck! lol.

Almost Wordless Wednesday!