

Saturday, March 7, 2009

My ouch story...

For the sake of fashion, last night I wore black flat boots with very little tread (i'd love to share a pic but the batteries in my camera are dead...boo) over my skinny jeans with a nice long black shirt with flowy sleeves. Not to sound to 'into myself' but I think I looked damn fine...and the boyfriend did too. All was going well...


After our time with the boyfriend's dad, we decided to stop in for a beer with some friends at their place. So the boyfriend parked in the back and we had to walk around to the front door (in the winter they pile snow in front of their back door and plastic it off from the inside to conserve heat)...anways....as we were stepping onto the front street I slipped on a patch of ice and went down...HARD...right on my butt cheek...the left one. I immediately looked around to make certain that no one (besides of course the boyfriend) had seen!!!! Thankfully no one was around and it was dark...but as I try to stand I realize it really really hurts. Trust me I am no pain wimp...so this is one BAD bruise.

When I walk it hurts...when I sit it hurts...the worst is crouching to put the dog's leash on...oh and it really hurts to get in and out of the car. Who knew that butt cheek pain could be so bad???

So today I'm taking it easy. I might have to bail on sledding tomorrow since I can hardly sit as it is...somehow, riding on plastic down a bumpy hill is not all that appealing at the moment lol.

The boy's eye is not half as bad as I expected...it's red around it...scraped, a little puffy...but we all expected it to be black and blue by today and I'm so glad it isn't. He says it doesn't hurt at all...so that's a bonus.


Anonymous said...

Oh ouch! Hope your butt feels better soon! ;)

Unknown said...

Ouch! I did something like that once. We were drunk and hooped the fence to the pool in my cousin's apartment complex. The steps were weird and angled and I went to go in. Well, I didn't step down onto a step, I stepped into the pool, went all the way down and hit by butt on the bottom (it was only about 2 feet of water). It hurt SO bad and I had a HUGE bruise on my butt/thigh for like a week. The wort part was I was all the way in Indiana and had to sit for about 4 hours on the car ride home!

I feel your pain girl! Hope it heals up quick. Enjoy your weekend!

That Girl said...

holy cow, you people sure did get hurt the past 2 days! stay inside tomorrow!!!!

Unknown said...

Thank you. I tried getting a new one awhile ago but it wouldn't work. I finally found a site that gives you instructions, but I had to use firefox to install it.
I want a custom one, but I'm gonna wait until I figure out what my trademark logo will be and I have NO clue what I want right now. I'm very indecisive I guess hehe.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I've totally felt the same pain.
Except for me, it's a weekly thing.

I don't even know why.

Staci said...

ouchie!!! Hope your tush feels better soon!

Yellow Beads said...

oh no!!! Feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Ouch! I know how you feel. I've done it before when I went tubing years ago. Landed on a rock and had a bruise the size of North America on my ass. Hurts.....

Toni said...

Hope it is feeling better and that you didn't break your tail bone.